
Have you walked on your new heels for too long or run too fanatically, and are you now suffering from blisters? Painful! We tell you what to do to relieve pain and prevent infections.

What is a blister?

A blister is an accumulation of fluid in your epidermis. From the outside, a blister looks cloudy and white, but the moisture in it is clear. Often a blister develops in a place where there is a lot of friction, such as under your foot or on your heel. This happens, for example, when you wear new or too tight shoes. Your skin first turns red and then creates a build-up of moisture to protect the underlying tissue. In other words: a blister.

What is a blood blister?

Suffering from a red-colored blister? Then this is probably a blood blister. With a blood blister, blood is released under the skin, which gives the blister a red color. Basically, you can treat a blood blister-like a regular blister. So leave it alone!

How do you treat blisters?

Do you have a blister, and do you want to suffer from it as little as possible? You can do this in many methods, depending on whether the blister is still intact or not. If the blister is still closed, relieve it with a blister plaster so that it does not burst. The blister then heals on its own.

Has the blister opened? Then follow these steps:

  1. Rinse your blister with clean water.
  2. Pat the blister gently with a sterile gauze pad.
  3. Disinfect your skin with a disinfectant.
  4. Take care of the blister once or twice a day until you notice that the skin is growing closed again.

Repairing the skin can often take a while. The healing time depends on the size and care of your blister. You can, therefore, suffer from a blister for a few days, but also for a few weeks.

What does a blister plaster do?

A blister plaster allows your irritated skin to recover. The patch removes the extra pressure and friction from your shoes. In addition, it protects the skin layer on the blister so that it remains intact. This will keep your blister intact and prevent infections. Do not remove the blister patch until the patch comes off on its own.

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